all your brain cells are dead? or maybe suddenly your memory has gone, you cant speak a
word or come to worst your body paralyzed?
These are the effect of stroke, many of us are unaware on its impact. In here I'll provide some express info about this deadly disease based on my research and info taken from various sources since this disease are one of the top killer around the world. Hopefully this would help all of us be more alert on this.
So what it is? Stroke actually is a a condition whereby your brain cells are lack of oxygen that leads to the cells suddenly died. It can be an aggressive killer that would attack its victim or a silent killer that doesnt shows any signs or symptoms on victims.

Type of Stroke
Stroke has a 2 main types:
1. ischemic stroke - caused by lack of blood flow to the brain
2. hemorrhagic stroke - caused from weakened vessel that ruptures and bleeds into the surrounding brain tissue
Symptoms of Stroke
Stroke has a symptoms that is normally would affect a persons brain function. Below are some of the symptoms that is normally occur when a person being attacked by this disease.
1. sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
2. sudden trouble seeing in one of both eyes
3. sudden trouble while walking, dizziness, or loss of balance or coordination
4. sudden severe headache with no known cause
Risk of Stroke
The risk of having stroke depending on ones lifestyle,too much smoking or too much alcohol also could lead to a higher risk on getting stroke. Basically the risk of stroke can be grouped into 2 group that is the risk that we can control based on our daily routine and the risk that is beyond our control;
1. Age
2. Family history
3. Diabetes
1. Blood pressure
2. Heart disease
3. High Cholesterol level
These are some info that I can provide you guys regards to stroke. Many of us still take our health for granted. Hopefully on these information,t would make you put your health as a top priority and also take care on your family and people surrounding you. Remember prevention is always better than cure!